12-position Rotary Controller Picaxe Basic Program

Declarations and Data


12_pos_rotary.bas A flat oak box. The switch is connected to non-sequential taps on a 16-resistor potentiometer.

The voltage is measured and combined with the toggle position to provide an index into a table.

The first 3 physical switch positions control the Message Display, and all have a Key Code of "O".

The table gives the Display Code less 48 to distinguish from the rest, which are Key Codes.

Legend: P=actual switch position. I - Index into the data which defines the code to transmit 

John Saunders 2015, anoted 4/24/2022

K = Key Code D = Display Code  A = action

                Up                Down

P    Label        I    D    A            I    D    A

1    GARAGE/MAH     3    A    Garage           2    B    Disp Charging Volts

2    TEMP/HUM    7    C    Disp Temp        6    D    Disp Humidiry

3    BARO/NIGHT    11    E    Baro,solar MA    10    F    Night-time Display

P    Label        I    K    A        I    K    A

4    HANGING    1    I    ON        0    C    OFF

5    FLOOR        5    b    ON        4    f    OFF

6    PINAPPLE    9    K    ON        8    8    OFF

7    FLASHING    13    Y    ON        12    W    OFF

8    SHELF        17    E    ON        16    F    OFF

9    CIRCLE        21    P    ON        20    l    OFF

10   BULLSEYE    15    M    ON        14    g    OFF

11   EGGS        19    d    ON        18    9    OFF

12   CEILING    23    R    ON        22    G    OFF

John Saunders 10/31/2016 added off codes for bullseye and circle


#picaxe 08M2

rem Inputs

symbol TX_Data_Port    = B.0        'Idle low serial transmission at 2400 baud

symbol SW_Port        = C.1

symbol Toggle_Port    = PinC.3

rem Outputs

symbol Hold_Port        = C.4

rem Constants

symbol TX_Preamble    = 20        'A long pulse before the serial transmission to trigger an interrupt

symbol TX_Ser_Setup    = 10        'Gives time to execute the serial in command in the interrupt procedure

symbol Start_Count    = 40

symbol Step_Count        = 16

rem Variables

symbol ADC_Val        = b1

symbol Key_Addr        = b2

symbol Threshold        = b3

symbol Key_Code        = b4

symbol Display_Code     = b5

rem Key Code list

rem           0   1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9

DATA    0,    ("C","I", 2,  1 ,"f","b", 4 , 3 ,"8","K")

DATA    10,   ( 6 , 5 ,"W","Y","g","M","F","E","9","d")

DATA    20,   ("l","P","G","R")



HIGH Hold_Port

setfreq m4

LOW Tx_Data_Port



IF Toggle_Port = 0 THEN

    LET Key_Addr = 0


    LET Key_Addr = 1


LET Threshold = Start_Count

DO  WHILE Threshold < ADC_Val

    LET Threshold = Threshold + Step_Count

    LET Key_Addr = Key_Addr + 2


READ Key_Addr,Key_Code

IF Key_Code < $30 THEN                    'This is a Display Code less 64

    LET Display_Code = Key_Code + $40

    LET Key_Code = "O"


HIGH TX_Data_Port                        'This pulse unlocks the receiver

PAUSE TX_Preamble

LOW TX_Data_Port

PAUSE TX_Ser_Setup

IF Key_Code = "O" THEN

    SEROUT TX_Data_Port,N2400_4,("14L1776O,",Display_Code)    


    SEROUT TX_Data_Port,N2400_4,("14L1776",Key_Code)    


SEROUT TX_Data_Port,N2400_4,(13,10)                'The CR,LF is for recording


LOW Hold_Port