7-position and Toggle Switch Controller Picaxe Basic Program

Declarations and Data


Rotary 7-pos toggle.bas This is for the little wooden box with the 7-position rotary switch

and 2-way momentary toggle. It is labelled for and controls the living room lights:

Pos     On Off        Codes transmitted

1     I   C (Hanging) The macrame lamp hanging from the ceiling, .

2     R   G (Ceiling) ceiling Light 

3     7   6 (String) The LED string hanging from the gazebo

4     m   J (Icycle) The LED string hanging from the eves

5     d   9 (Eggs) The leads from the "Octupus" 60 MA series from the current regulator

6     Y   W (Flashing) The bases with individual transformers 

7     M   g (Missions) The model missions.

John Saunders 10/31/2016


#picaxe 08M2


symbol TX_Data_Port     = C.0        'Idle low serial transmission at 2400 baud

symbol On_Off_Port      = pinC.2    'Low for ON (up)

symbol Rot_Sw_Port      = C.4        'An analog value giving the position of the rotary switch


symbol Hold_Port        = C.1        'A high maintains power to the circuits.


symbol Start_Count      = 22        'Half way to the count for the Floor position

symbol Step_Count       = 42        'Count between switch positions

symbol TX_Preamble      = 20        'A long pulse before the serial transmission to trigger an interrupt

symbol TX_Ser_Setup     = 10        'Gives time to execute the serial in command in the interrupt procedure


'DATA 0,("I","C","b","f","K","8","Y","W","E","F","P","W","M","W")

'DATA  0,("I","C","R","G","K","8","Y","W","E","F","P","W","M","W")  

DATA  0,("I","C","R","G","7","6","m","J","d","9","Y","W","M","g")


symbol Sw_Pos           = b1        '0-13, even = on, order = Hanging,Floor,Icicle,Top,Shelf,Circle,Bullseye

symbol Rot_Sw_Val        = b2        'Analog measurement

symbol Threshold        = b3        'The value to compare the analog to

symbol Char             = b4

symbol Mom_Sw_Pos       = b5        '0 for ON

 Init and Main


HIGH Hold_Port



LET Mom_Sw_Pos = On_Off_Port

READADC Rot_Sw_Port,Rot_Sw_Val

FOR Sw_Pos = 0 TO 5

    LET Threshold = Sw_Pos * Step_Count + Start_Count

    IF Rot_Sw_Val <  Threshold THEN 




IF Rot_Sw_Val >  Threshold THEN

    LET Sw_Pos = 6


LET Sw_Pos = 2*Sw_Pos + Mom_Sw_Pos

READ Sw_Pos, Char

HIGH TX_Data_Port            'This pulse unlocks the receiver

PAUSE TX_Preamble

LOW TX_Data_Port

PAUSE TX_Ser_Setup

SEROUT TX_Data_Port,N2400_4,("14L1776",Char,13,10)        'The CR,LF is for debugging

LOW Hold_Port

PAUSE 5000

GOTO main